You are not alone in facing death & grief… I am here to make you feel seen, safe, & supported

Offering expansive
support and empowered navigation through life, death, and grief.

“It's only when we truly know and understand that we have a limited time on earth -- and that we have no way of knowing when our time is up -- that we will begin to live each day to the fullest, as if it was the only one we had.” 

Elisabeth Kübler-Ross

Meet Your End-of- Life Doula


& I am ready to support you.

After spending over a decade in the healthcare industry, I developed a profound realization for the lack of support in place for those who are grieving & those who are ill or dying. My experiences ignited a passionate mission within me to blossom: to ensure that every human facing an illness, death, or grief will receive the support, care, & compassion they deserve.

As an End-of-Life Doula & End-of-Life Coach, I work with individuals & families to create meaningful, peaceful, and deeply personal end- of- life experiences. I am an advocate, a companion, & a deep listener.

As a Grief Companion I provide a safe space for exploration of sorrow through compassionate guidance. We can truly discover many gifts within our grief. Grief connects us deeply to love & its magnificent power.

Remember always, by embracing our mortality…we truly embrace our lives.


-Jacob Needleman

My Services

End-of-Life Services

Grief Support Services


  • “I met Lauren when I was going through a lot of changes in life. What stood out to me from the moment I met her was how quickly I felt safe in my body, in her presence, in her container. At that time I didn’t feel safe anywhere… and here I was in instant safety with Lauren.”


  • “In her sessions Lauren is patient, informative, calming, and caring. She is such a kind soul and always brings positive energy. Lauren has improved my life for the better and I’m lucky to know her ❤️”


  • “I’m so happy that I found you and your knowledge, Lauren. I’ve always been so inspired by your beautiful soul and wisdom, and it’s amazing that I now have you as a mentor.

    Now I feel so inspired and use the tools that you shared with me.

    Thank you for giving out your wisdom and light to the world ♥️”


  • “Lauren is amazing at what she does. I would label her as an expert. She is an amazing listener. I would and have recommended her to friends and family. I believe that many people have reservations about this type of work but it truly is an investment into yourself. Thank you Lauren.


"We are a hole in a flute that the universal breath moves through. 
Listen to the music" 

-Sufi master Hafiz

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